Friday, August 27, 2010

Following Glenn Beck's Divine Destiny or God's Word

By Brannon S. Howse

This is just an excerpt, starting several paragraphs into this terrific article by Brannon Howse. To read the entire article (please do) click on the title of this post.

We appreciate the strong and courageous stands that Glenn has taken but Christians must understand that Glenn is now, by his own choice, promoting something that is not compatible with Biblical Christian doctrines. While Christians can join Glenn in opposing tyranny, socialism, cultural Marxism, and the like; we cannot join him spiritually. We can be co-belligerents on many moral issues with non-Christians but we cannot find common ground theologically, doctrinally, and spiritually. This is not according to me, Brannon Howse, but according to the Word of God. Christians must understand that the Jesus of the cults is not the Jesus of the Bible.

Please remember that I started the website to support Glenn when the radicals wanted his advertisers to stop advertising in his program because at the time he was not promoting spirituality but simply providing excellent information about what was happening in the arena of civil government and law. However, Glenn has now moved into an area where we must draw a clear line theologically, doctrinally and spiritually.

I have yet to see anything that would cause me to have a problem with the 8-28 event at the Lincoln Memorial because I have not seen that event described as a "spiritual event" or a "uniting of all faiths" for the purpose of "healing your soul." If that is what it becomes then I will be equally opposed to the 8-28 event. My concern is really focused on the 8/27 event for the reasons I have articulated.

Some misinformed Christians have e-mailed me Mark 9:38-41 to try and convince me that partnering with Glenn Beck for a "unique spiritual event" is acceptable Biblically even if Glenn Beck is not a Christian, but indeed a Mormon by his own admission. Verse 40 says "For he who is not against us is on our side." There is just one big problem; the people emailing me this verse are taking this scripture completely out of context. Mark 9 is not speaking of a non-Christian that is doing something good but it is clearly speaking of a true follower of Jesus Christ that was successful in casting out a demon.

If you do not think it is Biblically acceptable for a Biblically committed Christian to be united in a spiritual event with Oprah Winfrey then why is it not also unacceptable to unite spiritually in the 8/27 event with Glenn Beck or any other religious leaders that do not adhere to Biblical orthodoxy? How much different are the religious beliefs of Oprah and the beliefs of Mormons? Christian author Ed Decker who was a Mormon for 20 years of his adult life and was a member of the Melchizedek priesthood, a Temple Mormon and active in many church positions before becoming a Christian has revealed to me such facts as:

· Mormons believe the cross of Christ is foolishness and thus you will not find a cross in or on top of a Mormon temple. Thus a Mormon could say "Do not make the pathetic error of 'clinging to the old rugged cross'."

· Mormons believe the blood Jesus Christ shed on the cross is not what saves and thus Mormons will not use red wine or red juice for communion but they use water. Thus a Mormon could say "A slain Christ has no meaning."

· Mormons believe that salvation is not found in placing your faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone but in good works. Thus a Mormon could say "My salvation comes from me."

· Mormons believe that God is one of many Gods and that every good Mormon man can become a God himself. This belief is called the law of eternal progression and is best described in this popular Mormon saying, "As man is, God once was, and as God is, man may become." Thus a Mormon could say that "The recognition of God is the recognition of yourself."

Do these pastors and Christian leaders not understand that by appearing on stage at this "unique spiritual event" they are sending the message that Biblical Christianity and Mormonism (and any other unbiblical worldview represented) can indeed find spiritual common ground? This is not only a public relations victory for Mormonism but also for universalism.

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